The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are coughing, fever, and breathing problems. Unless the people have serious symptoms, they can most likely treat them covid care at home also, the way you would for the flu or cold. Most people recover from COVID-19 without the need for special hospital care. Call your doctor to ask about whether you get medical care in person or to stay home.
Scientists are trying to make new tests and medicine and also some existing drugs to see whether they can treat COVID-19. In the meantime, there are a number of things that can relieve symptoms, both at the hospital and at home.
What Should We Do at Home?
To protect other members at home, the covid patient should:
- When covid care at home, try to stay in one place or room in your home. Use a separate bathroom if you can.
- Cover your sneezes and cough with a tissue or your elbow.
- Wear a mask over your mouth and nose if you can.
- Wash regularly, especially your hands.
- Tell others you’re patient so they keep their distance.
- Disinfect and clean common surfaces like counters, doorknobs, and tabletops.
- Don’t share cups, dishes, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with anyone else.
- As much as possible, keep away from pets in the home.
Covid care treatment at Home
If the patient symptoms are mild enough that they can recover at home, the patient should:
Stay at home. Don’t go to school, work, or public places.
Rest. It can make you feel better and may speed your recovery faster.
Monitor. If your symptoms get worse, call your doctor immediately. Don’t go to their clinic without calling first. They may need to take extra steps to protect staff and other patients or they might tell you to stay home.
Drink fluids. When you’re sick, you lose more water. Dehydration can make symptoms worse and may cause other health problems.
Ask your doctor about the medicines that may help, like acetaminophen to lessen your fever.
The most important thing to do is to avoid infecting other people, especially those who have other health problems or those who are over 65.
COVID care at home, if ending isolation or quarantine
Talk to your doctor about when to end home isolation, if you have a weakened immune system. The CDC recommends the guidelines for ending home isolation after you know you had COVID-19.
If you won’t have a test to determine if you’re still contagious, you can leave your home if at least 10 days have passed since your symptoms begin, at least 24 hours have passed with no fever without the use of reducing fever medicine and other symptoms are improving. Loss of smell and taste might last for weeks or months after recovery but shouldn’t delay ending isolation.
If you’ll be tested to determine if you’re still contagious, your doctor will suggest that when you can be around others based on your COVID test results.
The CDC also recommends that, as the sick person’s caregiver, you quarantine for 14 days and watch for common symptoms and signs of COVID-19, such as cough, fever, or shortness of breath. Other options may include ending quarantine after 10 days, if you won’t get ending quarantine after 7 days, and if you don’t have symptoms and you receive a negative test result on day 5. But continue to watch and see for any symptoms for 14 days.
However, if you’ve been COVID care at home, you don’t need to stay home if:
You’ve been fully vaccinated and have no signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
You’ve had COVID-19 within the last three months, remain, and recovered without symptoms of COVID-19.