HOMEDOC brings Family physician at home.
It is bringing comprehensive care to home bounded and busy in job people in metropolitian cities with acute and chronic diseases.
To provide on-going primary care to certain group of patients.
- Patient age 65 or older who are home bounded and they are living with severe chronic condition and functional impairement like brain problems ( dementia, Alzheimer, moment disorder), back problems, respiratory problems and problems related to heart that make it difficult or impossible to visit a doctor.
- ICU care patients who are shifted to home after primary treatment in hospital and getting treated at home only and are not easily transported to hospital again, or relatives don’t want to take their patient again to hospital.
- Job’s patient who don’t have time to visit a doctor and wants a doctor to visit their home/office according to their suitable time.
- Chronic disease patients or bed bounded patients who are tough to be taken to hospital. They use ambulance and emergency room to access basic primary care and have high rates of hospitalization and hospital readmission. These factors make them among the costliest patients.
- People not willing or are scared of hospitals but can be calmly examined by home visit doctors at home.
- Previous bad experience of hospital.
- Small children whose parent’s are not willing to take their child to a hospital and prefer a doctor on call to visit at home.
# HOME BOUND patient’s often delay going to a doctor until their condition have worsened.
- It makes life easier for any person needing healthcare assistance at home/office.
- Future of healthcare is in your home.
- When consistent , comprehensive primary care is provided to home bound patients where they live, quality improves and health care cost are lowered.
- Home based primary care focuses on the whole patient and provide direct, ongoing care for medical emotional and social needs and diagnostic testing.
For this reason HOMEDOC (doctor on call) provides prompt top notch medical assistance directly at your home, office or hotel as a home doctor, instead of visiting over whelmed doctor’s offices, walk in clinics or hospital emergency room