How to cope with depression after retirement

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Retirement and depression aren’t inevitably linked.  There are many reasons why depression after retirement and it is a very common thing. When we stop working, many of us feel a loss of purpose and even identity. We suddenly have a lot of extra time on our hands and many people conflict to fill that time meaningfully. Social lives that revolve around work are suddenly taken away from us and we can become more isolated after retirement.

As we get older, physical health problems can affect our mental well being and the drugs used to treat us can have side effects that may involve depression. Living with chronic pain or losing independence due to mobility issues which may lead to retirement depression. Another unfortunate reality is that retirees start to increasingly lose their loved ones and friends the older they get and can become isolated, it’s understandable that depression can sneak upon them.

Many older workers look forward to finally being able to focus on the things that give them the greatest enjoyment.  A big thing which is work, whether we realize it or not, provides many of the ingredients that fuel happiness, including a steady routine, social connections, and a sense of purpose. For many people, work brings a sense of purpose and usefulness. There is a lifelong motive to be a good provider for one’s family, an achiever and a useful part of society.

Another reason for depression is the fact that mobility at home are changing. Where one or both spouses may have worked out of the home and been away a moment portion of the day, now both spouses may be spending more time at home with each other.  Many experts suggest some a tip to which is beneficial for new retirees make an easier transition into the next stage of their lives.

According to expert’s suggestion, to stay active and do good things which may help to keep both mind and body active such as participating in sports, taking a class, doing volunteer work or even taking a part-time job. Strengthen social and family ties and also visit your kids or offer to babysit your grand-kids. Make time to participate in activities with friends which makes you swing your mood and makes you happy. Visit your local community center and seek out activities that are helpful for you to enjoy life so you can make new friends.

Before retirement maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to play a musical instrument. Now is the perfect time to fulfill your dream. You have freedom and you think that still, you are young enough to enjoy it. Go for it!

Improve your routine when you are used to planning your entire day around your job, it can be quite disconcerting to go to have an unstructured day. Also set up a schedule for yourself, creating set times when you will do work around the house, exercise and also do volunteer work.

Figure out what matters most to you after retirement. Eliminate those things that may be wasting your time and adding your depression. And surround yourself with people who motivate you to enjoy your later years.