Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive, neurological disease that generally affects movement but can also affect cognition. Caring for a loved one with Parkinson’s disease can be a big challenge, especially as the disease progresses. Former caregivers of a loved one with Parkinson’s disease suggest taking care of your loved one, maintaining a good relationship with them, and encourage the person with Parkinson’s disease for whom you care, to stay active.
Early Parkinson’s disease (PD) care at home generally requires more emotional support and less hands-on care. Because these diseases mostly arise after age 50 and are one of the most common nervous system disorders of the elderly. Communication is key to caring for someone with Parkinson’s disease. Speech issues may make it hard for your loved one to explain what they need, and you may not always know the right thing to say.
Early Parkinson’s disease (PD) care at home, try to be open and sympathetic in every conversation. Make sure you listen as much as you talk and also explain your concern and love for the person, but also be honest about any frustrations you have. Day-to-day Parkinson’s care requires a lot of organization and coordination. Depending on the stage of your loved one’s disease, you may need to help to set up medical appointments and therapy sessions, drive to appointments, order medications manage prescriptions and also dispense medications at certain times of the day. It can be helpful for you to find out how your loved one is doing, and how you can help manage their care.
Living with a chronic condition like Parkinson’s does bring about a range of emotions, from anger to depression. So encourage your loved one to focus on the positive things. Try to engage them in activities they used to enjoy, like going to a museum and having dinner with friends. Watch a funny movie together or listen to music to entertain your loved one.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) care at home of someone else need can become overwhelming. To be a good caregiver, you’ll need energy and rest. Eat a balanced diet, sleep and exercise a full seven to nine hours each night. Give yourself time each day to do the things you to enjoy. Ask a family and friends member to give you a break so you can go out to dinner, take an exercise class, or see a movie. When you feel stressed, practice relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep breathing. If you get to the point where you’re overwhelmed, see another mental health provider for advice. Also, seek out a Parkinson’s caregiver support group which may help to introduce you to other caregivers who can identify with some of the issues you’ve faced, and offer advice.
With Parkinson’s disease (PD) care at home, when having a going somewhere with them, be patient and take them longer than usual to respond to you. Smile and listen and also match your pace to theirs. If walking becomes too difficult, encourage them to use a wheelchair. If speaking is a challenge, use other techniques of communication — like messaging through an online platform or email.
Parkinson’s can affect your loved one’s ability to speak clearly, walk quickly, and loudly enough to be heard. A speech therapist can teach them exercises to improve the strength and volume of their voice, and a physical therapist may help with their movement skills.