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Physiotherapy for Stroke Paralysis

When the brain cells are deprived of oxygen supply, they start to die within minutes, eventually causing the condition called Stroke. This may be aIshchemic Stroke caused due to blocked artery or haemorrhagic Stroked caused due to ruptured blood vessels. Being the leading cause of Paralysis, the Str...
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Best palliative care in Delhi

What is palliative consideration?   Palliative consideration is specific clinical consideration for individuals living with a genuine sickness. This sort of care is centered around giving alleviation from the manifestations and stress of the ailment. The objective is to work on personal satisfa...
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Quality Home doctors at Gurgaon

Many agencies offer doctors for home services but not everyone checks their authenticity and how much qualified they are. But some of the agencies do a quality check on the doctors along with confirming that the doctors had a good background and a quality base of education. Quality home doctors in G...
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Well-being of elderly at home

Elder people are a very important asset of each household and their value is just immeasurable. Their wisdom, knowledge and life experience helps each member of the family to grow and glow and get out of many difficult situations. But along with these benefits one cannot deny the fact, that these pe...
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